In Case of Rapture!™
Imagine Earth after Rapture. Those left behind will be needing lots of help understanding what has happened, where believers have disappeared to and why. They will be needing nourishment for both body and soul.
Leave them some of each with In Case of Rapture!
Inside, they will find a pocket sized ESV New Testament that will help them learn about Jesus! You can add whatever you want. Leave notes for your loved ones, perhaps some candy or other food item, anything that will fit.
You will rest easier knowing you may save another soul!
And, as an added benefit, visitors to your home BEFORE the rapture will certainly want to know what your bright red display is for giving you an opportunity to introduce them to God’s promise of eternal life
Give them as gifts, hanging in your kitchen or on your desk at work – these look great and will certainly cause people to think about the future.
Proudly handmade in the U.S.A
All profits from this project are donated to ministries.
In Case of Rapture
5.5" w X 8.5 H X 3.5" D
Hang on wall or sit on surface.
Includes ESV New Testament Pocket Bible with room inside for additional items.